By Sean Moloney, 3D printable EoT encasing
EoT partner Movidius opens dedicated China office
EoT partner and World leader in Machine Vision chips Movidius has announced that it will be opening a new office in Shanghai this month
Eyes of Things platform video demos
Check out the latest videos of the ‘Eyes of Things’ platform demo at ICDSC2015 !
Eyes of Things European Commission computer vision platform taking shape
Eyes of Things European Commission computer vision platform taking shape, by James Carroll, Vision Systems Design
Giving Eyes to the Internet of Things
How to build a tiny intelligent camera that can be placed anywhere and see for us? Eyes of Things (EoT) is a EU project developing a platform for mobile embedded computer vision
EoT is now in the online catalog of “ICT 2015 Innovate, Connect, Transform”
EoT is now in the online catalog of “ICT 2015 Innovate, Connect, Transform”, the biggest ICT event in the EU calendar, stay tuned !
EoT demo accepted in ICDSC 2015
An EoT Demo has been accepted in the 9th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 2015) !
EoT has been in GdR ISIS
The EoT project was presented to the the GdR (French network of researchers) ISIS (Information, Signal, Image et ViSion). EoT was presented by partner THALES as part of the GdR ISIS meeting “Caméras et capteurs d’images intelligents” (Intellligent Cameras). More info (in…
EoT will be in ICT 2015 !
Confirmed: EoT will have a booth at “ICT 2015 Innovate, Connect, Transform”, the biggest ICT event in the EU calendar, stay tuned !
EoT Joint Technical Meeting in DFKI Kaiserslautern
The EoT Consortium held a Joint Technical Meeting at DFKI Kaiserslautern, June 9-10, 2015. See some photos here.